
New vegas for the republic part 2
New vegas for the republic part 2

Meanwhile, I also managed to pull Bethesda's Todd Howard aside and get his two cents, which basically amounted to a reiteration of Urquhart's sentiment. 'OK, how do we get back to normal – whatever normal is going to be.' That's just the process right now." "So that's a lot of the conversation we've had with publishers. And now you mix in mobile and F2P stuff, and it's left a lot of people reeling." But that always creates a disruption in the industry. But basically, what does all the console crap mean? The challenge in this period of time has been, you have this console transition, and it's strange that they're still not announced. "And I think the challenge here doesn't just apply to Bethesda specifically, but to a lot of publishers in general.

new vegas for the republic part 2

"We talk to Bethesda all the time," he said. But Obsidian and Bethesda are definitely on good terms, so there's plenty of hope. Red tape abounds, and Urquhart didn't deny that it's kind of a kick in the head. But there's a lot more to making a bombed-out wasteland than, well, dropping some bombs. Which, of course, sounds pretty damn enticing. It could be almost a Walking Dead meets Fallout-like thing because of all the radiation." It'd probably be The Boneyard, which is from Fallout 1. "And we need an interesting confined area. We'd keep it on the West Coast, because we're West Coast people. "It wasn't just 'Oh, we're gonna do this 2,000 miles from here.' So I think if we were to do Fallout: New Vegas 2 – or just a new Fallout – we would probably separate it from what the internal team at Bethesda's doing. "If I think of going from Fallout 1 to Fallout 2, we tried to associate the two areas somewhat closely," he explained to RPS. "It would be awesome." But how would that work? And is Bethesda on board with the idea? Here's what Urquhart had to say. “Oh, we'd love to do Fallout: New Vegas 2," he enthused. During a DICE chat that lasted innumerable moons, months, seasons, and centuries, Urquhart and I briefly touched on his studio's return to its old techno-magically irradiated Black Isle haunt.

new vegas for the republic part 2 new vegas for the republic part 2

In the case of Obsidian CEO Feargus Urquhart, that meant Star Wars, of course. When you speak with someone in Las Vegas, the topic of conversation naturally shifts to Vegas-themed things.

New vegas for the republic part 2